We envision Industrial sites can leverage their flexibility to maximise their level of renewable energy integration and sustainability.
piSCES, is a Smart Clustering Energy System for the Marine industry. Integrating renewable energies in a distributed fashion will form a major tenant of the future smart grid. As renewable energies are variable and intermittent in their nature, it is critical that you can predict their output using modelling techniques based on weather forecasting and environmental conditions locally. Flexibility in an industrial site’s load profile is key and with accurate models, this load can be ramped up or down to suit on-site generation. The cost of electricity on the wholesale market also varies on a half hourly basis. Optimisation algorithms can then be employed to leverage this load flexibility to ensure energy is used at the most economic cost and maximising on-site renewables. The piSCES project successfully trialled the technology with Flexible Production Processes and Thermal Loads in a Cold Store and an Ice Making plant, both in the fish processing industry. Through arbitrage opportunities, financial savings in the region of 18% for the Cold Store site were achieved by the end of the project.
Project duration: 4/2017 - 2/2021
Scope: EU
Microfocus: Controlling flexibilities
Evaluation of technical solutions to offer and trigger flexibilities
Macrofocus: Technical realization
Evaluation of technologies to orchestrate a (high) number of flexibilities by using e.g. software services
Degree of Prosumer & consumer involvement: High
Comprehensive evaluation of their willingness, needs and expectations as the central part of the project
Technical Readiness Level (TRL):
Market Readiness Level (MRL):