What's in it for me?

4 reasons why you should join the FlexCommunity!
With the FlexCommunity you have full access to

  1. A targeted and efficient networking in the Member area! Find like-minded people and build personal relationships!

  2. A safe and trustful environment for information exchange within your network 

  3. All four FlexGroups. As our working groups, the FlexGroups are your platform to discuss flexibility related topics and jointly find new approaches and solutions. At the moment the FlexGroups focus on the following topics:

    FG1: Technical management of flexibilities
    FG2: Flexibility market and organisational design
    FG3: Solutions for utilities and energy communities
  4. The promotion of your project by your events or workshops under the category FlexEvents or by the upload of public documents and videos under the category FlexMedia
Let’s join forces and build a powerful and diverse community! We are looking forward to welcome you!